Click here: Tennessee River is central to region's geography, commerce - The Knox Sentinnel did an excellent job with this article. It summarizes the multiple benefits of managing the 5th largest river system, including 9 mainstem and 23 tributary reservoirs, and nearly 293,000 land acres. The article also provides a historical review of the impetus for TVA. For those of you always asking what I do and where I work, this is a great read.

Click here: Oxygen is essential element for the Tennessee River - This weir dam, about a mile downstream from Norris Dam, helps aerate the Clinch River. Weirs, or artificial rapids or waterfalls, create turbulence to add oxygen. The high water quality on the Clinch downstream from Norris Dam has made a good trout fishing river.
Click here: Tennessee River Picture Slideshow: Of Time and the River - This is a must see and don't forget to turn on the captions! One of the pictures is a sizeable flock of sandhill cranes on the Hiwassee Waterfowl Refuge. The annual migration of the cranes on the refuge is the largest wildlife-related event in the South.
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