Be the Change

Nurture your connections to the people around you.

13 December 2006

good things happen in three

you might be curious if i won the sweater contest last weekend in the burg. i did not but i did get to kick it with lindsay at sweaterfest. i did manage to seriously impair and hopefully repair a friendship over the course of the weekend. there are too many smart people in the burg with too many lessons to teach me. this i know about myself more than ever now: i can't resist the indulgences and desires to feel love but i sometimes inadvertantly hurt people in the process. moving on.... there are many good things to relish in life.

one: kelly is going to have a baby and she just had her first ultrasound. her baby looks like a bean and a yolk sac - it appears she had sex with a chicken, not dana.

two: fairytales do exist!

three: a new puppy is a blessing - i give ember my cup when it flowth over and she empties it.... ember offers pure and simple love - give my lil ember a lil food and a lil attention and i get a big dose of love in return!!!

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