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10 November 2006

All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory at 989 Nichols

The 2-month ATBI revealed many common and several rare species identifications. Among the common wildlife species the biologist identified: tufted titmouse, black-capped chick-a-dee, eastern bluebird, american coot (in flight), turkey vulture, red-headed woodpecker, white-tail deer, cockroach spp., assassin bug, lady bug, and the tennessee moonshiner!
The rare species identified to date include: an adult bald eagle (oh yea, baby!), corn snake (in the barn) and whip-poor-will.


  1. you saw a corn snake and an adult bald eagle? that is AMAZING

  2. upon seeing the corn snake i screamed like a woman giving birth; then i came up with a plan - i corralled the snake into a rubbermaid tub with the aid of a ski pole and a broom and carried him off to the back of the property... at this time he has hopefully found shelter in the neighbor's barn... oh, the eagle - of course you know that an eagle is an adult/mature by the white plummage on head and tail feathers!!!

