Be the Change

Nurture your connections to the people around you.

26 February 2008

Happy Birthday Daddio

Dear Daddio:
I can't find your address so I didn't send you a birthday gift, not even a lousy card. There is a broken down VW with a lot of life left, just in need of some TLC, in my yard, with your name emblazed on a gift card. Apon openning the passenger side door of the VW, you will find a treasure of local moonshine from up a holler on the other side of the lake.
In your 64th year, I hope I am making you very proud that I can secure the appalachian remedies that could extend your life. I am making a wish for you on your birthday, that more of your later years are spent in Tennessee. Love you, Roro

{Daddio in his youth}

{64 is the new 34}

1 comment:

  1. i love that picture of you and daddio my woofer. please call us tonight. i love you...

