Nurture your connections to the people around you.
18 January 2008
Awesomest Things Happen in {Three}
Through its annual Environmental Excellence Awards, my company recognizes employees and teams that have shown outstanding leadership in fulfilling TVA’s environmental policies and principles. Today we received the Environmental Excellence of the Year Award for Environmental Protection and Stewardship. Ain't it pretty? I think I am going to get it framed. I am proud of this as is my team. This type of team award is pretty rare evidently.
I am always on a quest to expand my recreation skill set as well as find opportunities to tone my muscles and lose some inches. Today I got word that I will become certified through my gym to become a step instructor. Yay. My certification is the first weekend in February. In the meantime, I will prepare by increasing the intensity of my workouts and practice getting coordinated, as in counting during the workout. One and two and three and four. To the left. One and two and three and four. Now to the right. This also means I have to become proficient at plank-style and military push-ups, can't do the wimpy ones anymore. I have a lot of work to do on that front.
the ultimate awesomest: {three}
Simret J'Laine
This precious lil angel, born in Ethiopia, was adopted today by Jill and Lance. They will pick her up in her home country in February.
January: Resurrection February: Mt. Rogers March: P-funk with Potter's Wheel April: Mt. LeConte Rehearsal May: 5th Annual Birthday Bash on the Ocoee June: Ichthus Music Festival July: Mt. LeConte Tour
It is one of the beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. --- Ralph Waldo Emerson
So in all that you do, in all of your life, I wish you the strength and the grace to make the choices which will allow you and your neighbor to become the best of whoever you are. --- Mr. Rogers
Oh Nine Darn Fine Wishlist
Marc Broussard on a Saturday night in New Orleans A lucrative second income To remain employed A living room set Peace, love, song, laughter, praise, and dance A fireman at the fire tower A better relationship with my Father God and with my Daddio
Congrats on the award! and on becoming the fitness queen...I wish I was participating in that class...sounds like fun!
ReplyDeleteWhat an exciting and at same time crazy day...the day I became a mother? Who would have thought it 10 years ago?