I am headed to Virginia and will go on a much-needed cyber diet for the next couple of days. And if Verizon has not infiltrated the last few eastern wildernesses with their cellphone towers or reception, I may happily even be without cellphone service for a time. If you are still contemplating whether to join me and friends for the last bash of '07 and a blood-pumpin, muscle-tonin beginning to '08 and need more info, well, here you go: (ps. it is possible to go to bed after midnite and run 3.5 miles with or without a hangover, so don't be a puss)
.Erick Baker.com will be playing at Barley's
.New Years Day 5K.com
one of the night's theme songs:
"you look like gold to me, and i'm not blind to see, ah, you look like gold/ and you make me want to sing, with the heart, the joy you bring, ah, you look like gold/ like the rays down from the sun, when a new day's just begun, you look like gold/ it is not the kind of gold that you wear but the kind that you feel in my care/ ah, yay, you look like gold/ i made mistakes in the past, but now i know, now i know, the difference between the gold and the brass" -BH
WHERE EXACTLY IN VIRGINIA?? I'm just coming back from an overseas trip and will be home before NY. Stop by! Running on NY day sounds great, but I can't afford the $170 of the party the night before.