Be the Change

Nurture your connections to the people around you.

05 November 2007

A Cathartic Date Night With Buksi-Bear "Boogz" Pupler-Swann

It took him a couple of minutes, but Buksi-Bear remembered me. Excitedly. Then he wanted to dance.

And he wanted to snuggle. A lot.

He let me check him for ticks. I found about 200 cockle-burrs, a piece of barbed wire, and hodge podge of coarse woody debris.

He showed me how happy he works sheepherding with Mongoose, the Australian shepherd. He made me very proud. Ember gave a paw too.

Sadly Ember and I had to leave Buksi-Bear again. Though, this time knowing with certainty that Buksi-Bear has a grand life on the Swann farm.

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