Be the Change

Nurture your connections to the people around you.

05 February 2007

3 steel tip Tungsten darts: $39
2 pitchers of the Underground's finest: $20 + tip
future cosmetic tooth repair: unknown
looking like a TN native: priceless


  1. Yeah, no kidding?!

  2. Naw, naw, she was picking her teeth....right?

  3. What happened to the story?

  4. i tried to make a clever story outta this unfortunate episode... here is the DL-- i chipped the bond at the bar (not with a dart actually) but openning something with my front teeth (one front tooth is a bond, not real tooth -- broke it bike riding with no hands over a pop can after "hands across america" 1986)... so after the initial chipping incident i didn't brush my teeth all weekend and finally when i did, bond came loose, fell out, waa-lah: tennessee makeover!

