Be the Change

Nurture your connections to the people around you.

01 January 2007

Tender Tennessee December Weekend

Thankfully December 2006 has come to an end... it was the most stressful month of the year. Basically $hit hit the fan with my finances as I learned that being absent-minded can be expensive. In December I spent twice as much as I made - most of it went to saving one of my lil beasties after Momo got hit by a car. She was worth it. One of my other lil beasties, Happy Ember Pupler Moldovanyi, took it upon herself to chew up a cellphone charger and a laptop cord. This of course was because I didn't give her a bone. At the time I didn't realize just how important a bone is to a pupler. They go hand-in-hand, duh. I'm learning. Just the other day pupler and I were going for a walk and I dropped my cellphone while running after her. Retraced (almost) all my steps to no avail, now I am sans my favorite cellphone and all my loved one's phone numbers. I replaced the cellphone and had to recommit to a two-year contract. If you are reading this, call me. More than likely I don't have your number and can't call you. You can still reach me at the same number.

Changing gears... Fortunately the last weekend of December 2006 was spent with best friends from Motown and the Burg here in the Dridge. We managed to do all the things we do best - go for walks, including a hike on the AT, drink insane amounts of coffee all times of the day, be tender and give hugs, consume moderate amounts of domestic libations, bust out a spontaneous dance party, and wear silly hats. At one point someone was wearing a magnum on their head!!! Pictures forthcoming with permission. We spent New Years Eve at a millionaire's cabin outside of P-Funk (Pigeon Forge TN) - in one of those cabins that you cuss out developers for marring a mountaintop with. It was spacious, freaking gorgeous, and beckoned you to relax - of course it was complete with great smoky mountain views, great food, good folks, and lots of cheap beer. It was a lovely way to bring in 2007. Unfortunately I did not carry a camera most of the weekend --- this is all for now.
I am looking forward to a peaceful and successful 2007. I know that a lot of good things are in store for me at work, and with my lil family of beasties in the Dridge. I look forward to seeing everyone I love more and more during the next year. There are many weddings to attend and even a baby on the way. Meanwhile I will focus on one day at a time. I resolve to take my pupler for a walk everyday and to use my dryer only when necessary (that is, to dry sheets and towels).

Me and my lil beasties wish all of you lots of happiness and good fortune in 2007 and always!


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